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Friday, June 16, 2006

"What? I caught him."

School is out for summer! Miss Lindsey proudly wears her 3rd grade button on the last day of school in this photo. This week she has spent a lot of "quality" time with her little brother. She loves to help with his bath, feed him bottles, carry him around on her hip like he is a year old, and even changes dirty diapers now! What a great help she can be. However... she reminds me that she is only 7 1/2 at least a few times a day with some of her actions.

Like when she tossed him in the air and when I screamed "LINDSEY!!" she said "What? I caught him."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's scary. Don't be tossing the brother anymore. Granny means it or else.

6/29/2006 12:51 PM


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