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Sunday, August 19, 2007

My Girls on the Run

Awesome program for the girls to be involved in. Both Ashley and Lindsey did Girls on the Run this year. The finale of the program is a 5K run. All the girls are given #1 as their race number and there is no focus on who wins. A special thing that happened this year is that our elementary girls got to sing the National Anthem. Lindsey is in the front row near the teacher and Ashley is only seen by the top of her head! The girls each had a goal. Ashley's was to run the entire race. This is her 3rd year and she has walked a little of the course in the past. Lindsey's goal this first time out and only year she will have with Ashley.... is to BEAT Ashley! And she did... she smoked her! BUT... they are great sports and there are no hard feelings in the family and Ashley met her goal as well.


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