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Thursday, July 13, 2006


I went to see my new favorite artist... Michael Buble' a couple weeks ago. He was incredible. Funny, adorable and so talented. At one point he dropped the microphone and just sang to us. Amazing voice! He told all the guys that came to the concert with their women "I'm just putting the air in the tires boys!" He also dissed us all for bringing our cameras even though the tickets said "no cameras". After that he ran into the audience below us and let them take pictures up close with him. You would have thought he was singing to me, because he sang all my favorites. I got my tickets for free, but spent a wad on a poster, a signed CD and a program! All... on display in my home for all the family members to enjoy (hee hee)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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7/20/2006 6:59 AM


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