4 kids - the hubby - career - 2 cats - family - friends - lvdesigns - laughs - school - girl scouts - sporting events - roadtrips - events

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I can't get enough of this shirt!

The last photo shoot with this awesome shirt before my growing boy won't fit in it anymore! He weighs 15 pounds now and will be 6 months at the end of the month!!! He is working on sitting up, he is eating his baby foods and giggling like a big boy. Still adored by his sisters, Mommy, Grandma and all women he meets. That's why the shirt is appropriate. I will have to make him one when he gets bigger to keep him cool!

Put 'em up!

At least she's in the FRONT of the cop car!

- Lindsey at the Truck Parade in Holland with her Dad (my photographer that day)

My Little Girl is off to Kindergarten

This little lady is too happy to be at school! No tears, no anxiety, no resistance ... I am barely spying on her on the playground from my yard because she is having such a good start to this new chapter in our (I mean, her) life.
- Miss Abbey, 5 years old

Friday, September 01, 2006

Work it... You Own it!

Lindsey & Abbey took a tap, ballet & jazz class this summer. Linds hasn't danced since she cried 2 out of 4 classes when she was 4 years old! She loved it (and so did Abbey). Fun to watch the 2 of them workin' it together.

Meeting his First Zoo Animal

Mark - 5 months - Binder Park Zoo

The Purple Cast

Ashley broke her ankle at a "Back to School" party at our friends house a couple weeks ago. She rolled her foot under her ankle on their trampoline 20 minutes into the party. She has to have the cast on for a month, which includes her 10th birthday! She is quite the trooper getting around on her crutches and when we can get one when we are out and about, a wheelchair.
Gotta love that she could pick the cast color and we could get a waterproof fiberglass cast so she can get it wet.