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Thursday, August 07, 2008

20 Year Reunion

The evening I had dreaded, yet was excited about for a year has finally come and gone. Feeling the pain from my beer tent celebration the night before kept me off the stage at the reunion. Although I did get the offer! The atmosphere was much more mellow and a bit up tight this evening. But, I got to see a ton of people I had not seen in years and reconnect with some of my close friends. I may not be normal, but I LIKED high school. I was shy (believe it or not) until 10th grade, and when I came out of my shell it was a whole new world for me. I try hard to keep in touch with my good friends from FHS and was called the "social glue" for our group by my friend Marlow! That made me feel good!
(pictured above: left - Carolyn (pretty much lived with her and her family 9th-12th grade!) right - Justine (friend since 2nd grade!) bottom - Marlow & Suzanne (so many nights out with these ladies and our big group of girls!)


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