4 kids - the hubby - career - 2 cats - family - friends - lvdesigns - laughs - school - girl scouts - sporting events - roadtrips - events

Monday, December 11, 2006


Visiting Santa in downtown Holland this weekend.
Things asked for: books, nothing (pulled beard), Barbie & Barbie laptop.

Where it all began...

At a keg! (Steve & I at an Oktoberfest party in GR)

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Stacy's Moms

This weekend my sister Pam and I took the girls to meet one of their "teen idols" Drake Bell from "Drake & Josh" on Nickelodeon at the Griffins game. Because of my media connections I got him to come to the nest we were watching the game in. Pam likes to think she is a cool hot Mom like in the song "Stacy's Mom" so we had to have our photo taken with this 20 year boy! He's no Justin Timberlake ladies!!! (but I am the best Mom, Aunt, brownie leader, lady-we-babysit-for now!)

Mrs. America?!!

I felt like Mrs. America when Griff (the Grand Rapids Griffins Hockey mascot) surprised me with this gorgeous bouquet of flowers at the game. He smashed my head with his beak when he was pretending to kiss me and knocked my glasses off. Nothing like making an embarrassing situation more embarrassing! (Steve didn't seem to be jealous of the "other man" in my life giving me roses!)

Orchestra..... RALPH!!!!!

My darling 5th grader has recently joined orchestra. It meets at her future middle school and something about it makes her BARF! She has thrown up 2 times outside of school before she goes in and has come home sick from school 3 days. Not sure if she will be continuing the blessed violin or not. Stay tuned....

My Little Turkey

Mark's first Thanksgiving. Poor guy had a cold so that is why his face is so rosey and looks WET! I even got him his own turkey vegetable dinner for the big meal (at OUR house this year). The first turkey I have made in 14 years turned out O.K.

Gobble gobble!

She's got the whole world in her hands!

Gotta love cameras... this way when the balloon popped inside the "world" Lindsey made we could take a picture and let it explode in the garage and still "keep" the project!

Fa la la la la la la la laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!

Remember this classic Veldhof Christmas card! The days before kids... I tortured the family pets! (R.I.P. Casey dog!)

Rubber Ducky... You're the One!

This boy loves a bath and loves his rubber duckies even more! (note are they are strategically placed in the photo!)