4 kids - the hubby - career - 2 cats - family - friends - lvdesigns - laughs - school - girl scouts - sporting events - roadtrips - events

Sunday, July 15, 2007


Lindsey's got a sweet goal in May and I actually had my camera ready! She was so happy!

Mark became a confident walker the beginning of May!

Lindsey Lou went to Libby Lu to celebrate the end of our Brownie troop. I was her leader for 4 years and it is time for both of us to be done. Out of the 15 brownies most of them got this look and it was hard to tell them all apart! Of course... Lindsey was the cutest!

Ashley's 5th Grade Celebration of Learning. "The Case of the Missing Parts of Speech".

Who knew that we could fall in love with a possum of all wild creatures! We found this critter in our backyard and fed it some of Mark's baby puffs! Sadly... we found him "sleeping" the next day after a storm by the bed near our front door. RIP...

So... if I knew how hot Steve Yzerman is I might have gotten on board with Steve's love of this former Red Wing! While we were on spring break we were invited to meet Yzerman. I hated to tell Steve that! Luckily I had given my jersey to the Griffins and Yzerman signed Steve's jersey for him! Sadly for Steve... the only spot he can figure out to hang it is in the closet!

This boy has the best shirts! I love this one because I always call him a "Ladies Man" because he flirts with ladies everywhere!!

Market Day - 3rd Grade Style

Lindsey learned about economics in 3rd grade. She and her classmates all had to choose something to make, market and sell 2 days at school. Lindsey made Puppy Chow. It sold out the first day! (of course... she GAVE some away to her buds too!) and she sold out again after she (and Steve) made more the next night. Great experience for Lindsey!


Mark learned how to blow kisses this winter. Too cute!

Friday, July 06, 2007

My Kids Healing Kids

I am so proud of Lindsey and Ashley! They are part of a singing group called Kids Healing Kids. It West Ottawa elementary school kids from 3rd - 5th grade that sing inspirational and fun songs for kids with terminal illnesses. Songs like "Hero", "Angels Among Us" (tear jerker), "We're All in this Together", "It's Not Easy Being Green", etc. They call themselves, cheerleaders for kids that are sick. The group makes videos for these children and they can order one free of charge from the website anywhere in the world. Ashley was in KHK for 3 years so she was given an alumni white shirt on their last concert. It was super cool to have both girls participate in this wonderful group.

Move over Katie...

My goal is to have my photo take at all the news desks in Grand Rapids! This is my 2nd! I got a little Girl Scout in trouble for taking this one of me!! Oops!


OUCH! I'll make this story short... Lindsey had a golf club, Abbey was not far enough out of the way... 6 stitches and a catscan later our super brave girl is doing well.

Anyone keeping score... 2nd head injury and stitches for Abbey, both courtesy of Lindsey.


Steve the day after his last day at Padnos... contemplating life after 14 years with the same family company.

Doin' the "Mom Dance"

Ashley does this nerdy dance that she calls the "Mom Dance". WHATEVER is all I can say! She is just still embarrassed because I taught her friends how to do the sprinkler, lawnmower, lighthouse, etc. etc. in 3rd grade!

When Gators Attack!!!

Brave kid!

Not sure where she gets it from... not me! Lindsey (and Ashley) did this bungee thing and flipped around and did tricks. Kind of like the trampoline with wings.

The crying stops here...

Our poor little guy was sick the first few days of our vacation and the only time he was crabby or crying at this Alligator park was when he got to ride this huge tortoise! He was playing some sort of song on his shell. Super cute!

Car Dancing

Ashley is teaching Mark the important art of car dancing!

Myrtle Beach - Spring Break 2007