4 kids - the hubby - career - 2 cats - family - friends - lvdesigns - laughs - school - girl scouts - sporting events - roadtrips - events

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Girls on Track

Ashley (pink hat) and her best friend Erica ran their Girls on Track 5K run on ice and snow in December! It was FREEZING! So proud of her!

What Time Is It?!

Time for my kids to realize that they are pretty stinkin' lucky!!! I never got to meet a celebrity, let alone someone that I watch in movies and listen to CDs over and over when I was a kid! I hooked the gals (and some of their friends even!) up and they got to meet 2 of the kids from High School Musical, Zeek & Ryan. Of course, I had to get a photo with them. After all, I know all the dang songs too!


This cat has become our "outdoor" cat! We for some strange reason named her Bean!? She has been hanging out by our house since September. The girls spent a day outside with her playing, feeding and trapping her on the trampoline with some milk. She likes to jump out of the beach grass at the kids on their bikes & scooters. It's hilarious to watch. It's a great surprise when she shows up at one of the doors. Everyone (including Mark, excluding Steve!) yells "BEAN" when we see her. She looks so much like our cat Toonces that Scooter plays with her through the doors. So sweet... until she clawed one of our screens trying to get in!! So... Steve took her a couple miles away from our house to a neighborhood for her to find a new family, and low and behold... one week later she was sitting on the chair on our front porch. We all cracked up! We have been leaving food on our front porch with her since then.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Invited BACK to the Suite

Our family had a great time at the WOODTV suite in November. Last time we were all invited there I was pregnant with Mark and Abbey was going through a phase where when she got nervous she barfed! Well... Griff (the Griffins mascot) came into the suite and touched her and she barfed all over the suite! I told the girls after that "well, we won't be invited back there again!". 2 years later, my sales rep was nice enough to invite the whole clan again. This was Mark's 3rd hockey game and the girls 15th maybe!?

Halloween 2007

On our way to "WaukaBOO"... the Halloween event at Abbey & Lindsey's elementary school next door. Lindsey is a Pirates of the Caribbean Pirate, Ash is a Fire soccer player, Abbey is a Medieval Princess (not to be mistaken with what she called it.. the Evil Princess) and Mark... Robin Hood! (sorry about the tights buddy... it made the outfit!!)


Me and my best friend from high school, Kelly at her brother's party in East Grand Rapids. This is one of the only photos I will post because Kelly made me drink a lot so that I would karoke all night! She had my camera so there are some beauties of me and whomever I decided to duet with. Revenge from when I corrupted her in high school! :-)

"If... I... Were the King... of the FOOORREEESSST!"

A favorite imitation my brother-in-law and old college roommie do of the lion from The Wizard of Oz.

My Pumpkins... at the Patch