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Thursday, February 14, 2008

What a Character

That's my Dad's Dad, my Grandpa Goodhue. My Dad calls him a "character". Anyone that knew him would certainly agree! He (and my Dad) are who I believe, I get my personality traits from. Same sense of humor and social behaviors. (Well... until my Dad became Runner of the Year... he is much healthier than Gramps or me!) I found this photo of my Grandpa in a box of photos from my Dad and stole it immediatly because it cracks me up! I am sure I have about 100 photos of myself in a situation like this and cracking up like he is! I sure do miss him! He has been gone since my Freshman year of college. We made some fun memories when he and my Dad drove me up to Ferris and they bought me and my roommate Kirsten beer. That's not the funny part... my Grandpa said to my Dad sternly..."you're going to buy those girls beer?... We need to take 1/2 of that!" Must have gotten the love of the brewskis from him too!!! :-) Now if I could only love to run like my Dad...


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