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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

American Idol

Ashley and I had the best time going to a Griffins game, just the 2 of us in January. We sat in the Talsma Terrace at Van Andel the night Phil Stacey (last season's American Idol finalist) was there. We even got invited down on the ice with some cheerleaders (?) when he performed. It was so cool. The bummer of the night was that my camera died on the ice when we were right in front of him and the crowd, so I couldn't capture the moment. Ashley was just embarrassed to be there so it was fine for her! I was trying to get her to wave her arms and she was about to kill me! So when Phil came up to meet us there was a guy in the Terrace that took the photo above. He then submitted it to the Holland Sentinel for a "Spotted" section and we were published a few weeks later! Ashley's Social Studies teacher had the paper hanging up in her room all year. Pretty cool way to document our Mother/Daughter bonding!


Blogger wtgm3 said...

I got your blog through a Google alert. Thanks for sharing!:-)I happen to be a fan of Phil's, so I'm glad to see this and glad that the paper got displayed in your daughter's classroom.

6/17/2008 9:09 PM


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