4 kids - the hubby - career - 2 cats - family - friends - lvdesigns - laughs - school - girl scouts - sporting events - roadtrips - events

Thursday, August 07, 2008

20 Year Reunion

The evening I had dreaded, yet was excited about for a year has finally come and gone. Feeling the pain from my beer tent celebration the night before kept me off the stage at the reunion. Although I did get the offer! The atmosphere was much more mellow and a bit up tight this evening. But, I got to see a ton of people I had not seen in years and reconnect with some of my close friends. I may not be normal, but I LIKED high school. I was shy (believe it or not) until 10th grade, and when I came out of my shell it was a whole new world for me. I try hard to keep in touch with my good friends from FHS and was called the "social glue" for our group by my friend Marlow! That made me feel good!
(pictured above: left - Carolyn (pretty much lived with her and her family 9th-12th grade!) right - Justine (friend since 2nd grade!) bottom - Marlow & Suzanne (so many nights out with these ladies and our big group of girls!)

Playing with the Band... Again

Steve's getting pretty sick of this scene with me! I HAD to get on stage and play the tambourine, maracas AND sing with the band at Cowley's the same night as the beer tent in Farmington. Kelly was like paparazzi taking a ton of photos of me. She was like a freaked out fan!! ha ha

Beer Tent - My Reunion Pre-Party

20 years... that's how long I have been out of high school. And yes, I just got carded the other day! hee hee. It was super fun seeing my old friends and my sis at the Farmington Founders Day Festival beer tent. It was about 100 degrees in the tent and we all drank too much beer to stay hydrated. Plenty of liquid confidence (as Pam calls it) to help me be outgoing! Good times!
(pictured - top: Kelly & Linda, Allyson. bottom: Debbie, and my sis Pam)

4th of July Family

After a little gathering at our house, we headed to Tunnel Park for fireworks on Lake Michigan. It was so beautiful and the millionaires were ALL competing with each other and setting off fireworks so we didn't know which way to watch! I used to hate the 4th of July, but now that we are starting our own traditions, I love it!

Riding in Style

My Favorite Nephew

O.K. fine... I only have one nephew!!! Anyone that knows me, knows I don't pick favorites! Jacob is 2 years younger than Abbey and they are such good buddies. They play so good together. And now Mark is starting to interact with him. He loves his guy time with Jacey!

Big & Lil'

Together with Ashley's 6th Grade Junior Girl Scout leader we created Big and Little Girl Scout Sisters. We got the big girls together 3 times with Abbey's 1st Grade Brownie troop (that I lead). This picture is at our end of the year party with the 2 groups of girls. Although Abbey and Ashley were not Girl Scout sisters they got to do the relay at our party together! I love the age difference in these two.

Double Digits

I now have 2 children in double digits :-( Lindsey turned 10 in July. She had her 2 best buds over to have makeovers and do all the girly stuff she loves to celebrate.

I Don't Remember Luke Looking Like THAT?

Star Wars night at the West Michigan WhiteCaps baseball game. It was bizarre! Not knowing any of the new movies and not having a following for the old ones... it was a strange night at the ballpark for our family. However, very amusing!! Darth Vader threw out the first pitch, we met many characters (that didn't quite look like I had remembered i.e. Luke Skywalker) and my favorite... the Storm Troopers did the Y.M.C.A. on the field! Hilarious!
And we got all the kids $5 light sabers. I had to remind them many times they were not called "LIFE SAVERS". Anyway... my boy was all over people with his! I knew I should have insisted on naming him LUKE!!

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Buckeye Boy

Steve is a huge U of M fan... so it kills him that our Ohio State friend, Rick, taught our boy to say "Buckeye"! (the voice you here cheering is his wife, Lisa) And the worst thing is... Mark pretty much talks in a foreign language, and doesn't say many things very clear... except BUCKEYE! The more Steve says "go blue", the more he says "Buckeye". It's quite funny for me. Especially since Steve's a BULLDOG not a Wolverine!!!