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Tuesday, July 18, 2006


I retired from the game of golf when I sold my golf clubs to my friend Renae in 2001 (before the birth of Abbey). This summer Big Steve bought me some new clubs, a cute new pink and black golf bag, golf sandles and even a golf glove (see gumpy photo of me!). Steve and I went out for our 13th anniversary and I did better than I thought I would after 8 years of not golfing. Steve didn't feel he did so great so I told him it must be because he was wearing his "girly man golf glove". (note the "look" of my new glove - the weightlifting look alike glove... ) I'll probably not get out again this year with the crazy life I lead but hey... the bag looks great in the garage!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Laura...look at you and your "awesome girl" golf stuff! Maybe we should have a girls golf outing?

7/19/2006 12:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.

7/20/2006 6:59 AM


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