4 kids - the hubby - career - 2 cats - family - friends - lvdesigns - laughs - school - girl scouts - sporting events - roadtrips - events

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

What A Face!

She's definitely mine! This Abbey after eating a powdered donut!

Yee Haw!

Double JJ Ranch

Our summer vacation

Boot Scootin' Ashley

We went to Double JJ Ranch in July and I made all the girls learn to line dance with me. Mark also busted a move with a waitress! Ham man! So... I pretty much am the worst line dancer in the place. After me, Lindsey and Abbey give up Ashley is still "getting it". So she continues to watch people drop out and as the music gets faster she is still out there with what I call her "Kermit the Frog legs" doing the moves! I loved it! She was awesome.


My family - Summer 2007

Fair Success

Miss Lindsey was very successful with her fair entries. She entered a cool abstract painting and won first place. And her owl and babies clay sculpture not only one first place but also won the youth gold ribbon. The only one given to all the kids things entered! That gets her into the Michigan State Fair next year with it. Now I have to make some more room for all the art displays! So proud of our girls!

The Artist

Ashley wants to be an artist when she grows up. She is quickly on her way to being a successful one. She also entered a painting and a sculpture she did at art camp this summer in the Ottawa County Fair and she got an honorable mention in her division for her flower painting and 1st place for her sculpture.

Blue Ribbon Winner

Abbey entered her rainbow tulip in the Ottawa County Fair and won a 1st place for her division. She was so cute when she saw it hanging by her painting, she said "I got BLUE!"

Introduction to Sprinklers

One of the many hot nights this summer the girls wanted to run through the sprinklers when they came on. In this picture Ashley is showing Mark what is about to come and splash him! Love the facial expression on him! He looked like the real Marky Mark with his diaper sticking out of the top of his shorts and with his shirt off!

WebKinz Craze!

My kids are totally into the whole WebKinz collecting and playing with their pets on-line this summer. Lindsey is in the running for the most at our house. Here are 2 new ones she got from my Mom for her birthday. Sadly, my Mom used to work for Ganz (the company that makes these critters) and I could have gotten them at cost back then!

Beach Boys

Steve's loving having another guy in the house! He and Mark are pals. But Mark is always going to be a Mama's boy... or else! :-)

Big Red

As if I don't see this lighthouse enough at work (our logo is this building!). I just love to have it in the background of a photo with my babes. - July

How High Can He Go Mom!?

Mr. Mark does not enjoy the trampoline, but the girls find it necessary to put him on it anyway! Here Abbey is trying to playfully bounce him. Note the look on the boy's face as he is in mid air! Maybe next summer...

Stylin' Lindsey

Lindsey has always been our fashion, accessory wearing, purse carrying girl! How cute is she in her new birthday outfit! 9 years old, July 13th.

Apple Queens & Doug the Dad

For any of you that think I only torture my KIDS with photos... I also do it to my parents, sister, brother-in-law and Steve!

Here is my Dad after winning Grand Master in the Sparta Apple Run with the Apple Queens. He didn't hesitate to line up and let me take the photo! I have 'em all trained people!!

I still got it...

For my sister's 39th birthday we went out to a local bar in Livonia with an awesome band. Of course I spotted maracas as well as a tambourine and made it my quest to play with the band. I got my wish with both instruments. Another reason my sister likes me to go out with her... because no matter how bad she embarrassed herself I embarrass myself more!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Tree Swinging

All Abbey needs is a glass of lemonade to make this summer scene by Lake Michigan complete. A gorgeous day at the Becker's cottage outside of Holland.


In July we went to my sister's. We had a cookout, celebrated birthday season (Lindsey's, Marin's, my Mom's and mine) and my sister and I even played a mean game of kickball with all the kids. Just getting over a major back injury and doing that probably wasn't smart... but I felt fine the next day. And I impressed everyone with my big foot! Who knew the unathletic one could kick so hard! Must have been the beverages!

Uncle Sam?

My cutie pie at a party at our house on the 4th of July.

4th of July

I love my patriotic kids! Lucky, lucky, lucky am I!

Gen1 Art Camp

Ashley went to a new art camp this summer. It was 6 hours a day for 5 days. She made the coolest artwork. A collage of tissue paper and india ink, a scuplture of metal and paper and a pastel and ink self portrait. She's so talented!

Locks of Love

Lindsey and I decided months ago that it would be cool to grow our hair long to donate to Locks of Love for a sick child's wig. We cut our hair in June. And it was a great feeling to do something good and to do it together!

Last Day of School

Our girls will only go to the same school one year... that was this year. Ashley for 5th, Lindsey for 3rd and Abbey for Kindergarten. Here is their last walk to school together!

Bus Ride

Seeing we live next door to school Ashley and Lindsey have never taken a bus! Abbey however took a bus 2 days a week to our daycare provider's home. She liked it and was on it only with other kindergarten kids.

5th Grade Graduation

How can this be happening? Am I really old enough to have a MIDDLE SCHOOLER??!! Ashley's 5th grade teachers put on a Aloha breakfast for the parents and kids on the last day of school. They gave the kids diplomas, a life long lessons poem, hats and the kids sang a tear jerking song about them being stars in the Holland sky.
Tying to be the cool Mom that I am (hee hee) I had Ashley and 14 of her friends over for a 5th grade Graduation party after school. 6 great years at Waukazoo for Ashley!

Boy + Bucket = Dirty Boy


Allie the Alligator

At the end of the year there is a "Celebration of Learning" for each grade. The Kindergarten one is full of precious songs by these little ones. They learned Zoophonics this year and Abbey's part was being A - for Allie Alligator. She also was chosen to pass out programs. Very special task for her and her buddy Marcella.

Police Car Man

Steve found this police car up in the attic and ever since he got it down this little man can not stay out of it! He is so dang cute in it the way he "drives fast" and talks on the CB and honks the horn. Our problem... he screams like a mad man when we take him out of it to go inside!!!

My Girls on the Run

Awesome program for the girls to be involved in. Both Ashley and Lindsey did Girls on the Run this year. The finale of the program is a 5K run. All the girls are given #1 as their race number and there is no focus on who wins. A special thing that happened this year is that our elementary girls got to sing the National Anthem. Lindsey is in the front row near the teacher and Ashley is only seen by the top of her head! The girls each had a goal. Ashley's was to run the entire race. This is her 3rd year and she has walked a little of the course in the past. Lindsey's goal this first time out and only year she will have with Ashley.... is to BEAT Ashley! And she did... she smoked her! BUT... they are great sports and there are no hard feelings in the family and Ashley met her goal as well.

The Michael Jordan of Soccer?

Love the tongue Abbers!

Her 2nd season of soccer this year playing co-ed.

Elegant Day

How beautiful was Abbey on her Kindergarten Elegant Day. She and her classmates dressed up, had sparkling cider, finger sandwiches (pb&j), danced and even got a limo ride!

Another Game???!!!

Sweet Mark sat through game after game after game for his 3 sisters between soccer and softball. I would take him a snack and toys and he would hang out in the stroller for as long as he could stand it. Then... I would have to hold or chase him!


It was a perfect day (finally) this year for the parade. I marched with Ashley for her last year in the Kinderparade. She and her best buds and 2 boys in 5th grade held their school banner. Pretty cool! And Lindsey marched with a bunch of kids from her class and her teacher. Everyone had a lot of fun at this festive time of year in Holland.

Dutch Babes - 2007

Everyone had a new costume this year!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Front Page Baby!

Ashley and her 2 best friends, Erica & Erin made the front page of The Holland Observer. A small local paper in our area. Super cool not to just see her on the front cover, but because it is such a sweet photograph that captures their special friendships.

Their librarian posted it in their school and that is where this picture is taken.

T-Ball Natural

Abbey was such a natural ball player this summer on the T-ball field. Obviously taking after her Daddy! She had a lot of fun learning the game, trying different positions and hanging with her friends.

Softball Season!

I love the faces that Lindsey makes when she plays sports. Love the intensity up to bat. She had a great season playing machine pitch for the first time.

Nice Play Ash!

Sweet play by Ashley playing shortstop.

She was hesitant to play "girl pitch" softball this summer but ended up having a great season after making contact with the ball and having a great night on first base!

Look Mom... No Training Wheels!

Abbey has been riding without training wheels for awhile, and without a clue! Steve kept moving them up and she was balancing without them even touching the ground. Then she had just one on and then finally we convinced her to go without them. She's a confident ham on her bike now!

My Boy

Riding his Radio Flyer on the driveway.


Ginormous tree in our front/side yard down after a storm. Inches from the only neighbors we have and Steve got a special gift from trimming the tree... poison ivy!
(Abbey in front of the "limb" in May)

Soccer Babes

Spring was a blur running from practice, to game, to practice, etc. etc. etc. 3 girls playing soccer at the same time was interesting. We are very good at time management in April and May!