4 kids - the hubby - career - 2 cats - family - friends - lvdesigns - laughs - school - girl scouts - sporting events - roadtrips - events

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Blllluuubbbb - waaaaaa

How can she be in swim lessons blowing bubbles in the water in between cries and shivers (cold cold pool!) to jumping off the diving board?! Miss Abbey - our newest swimmer (a month away from 5)


I retired from the game of golf when I sold my golf clubs to my friend Renae in 2001 (before the birth of Abbey). This summer Big Steve bought me some new clubs, a cute new pink and black golf bag, golf sandles and even a golf glove (see gumpy photo of me!). Steve and I went out for our 13th anniversary and I did better than I thought I would after 8 years of not golfing. Steve didn't feel he did so great so I told him it must be because he was wearing his "girly man golf glove". (note the "look" of my new glove - the weightlifting look alike glove... ) I'll probably not get out again this year with the crazy life I lead but hey... the bag looks great in the garage!

Libby Lu for Lindsey Lou

A day of glam for the gals. July 13th - Lindsey's 8th birthday

Monday, July 17, 2006

Chicks Dig Him

My Aunt Sandy and cousin Diane sent Mark the best baby gift... a t-shirt that says "Chicks Dig Me" and a jean jacket. This is a picture from the photo shoot. Many people cracked up in the mall that day at him (including me!)

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Mr. Independence 2006

4th of July - Mark 3 months and a couple days

That's So RAVEN

It's the summer of concerts... she was no Michael Buble, let me tell you! Luckily these tickets were free too! We saw Raven Symone (cutie from the Cosby Show, a Cheetah Girl, and Disney show "That's So Raven") at the Muskegon Summer Celebration. It was hot and crowded and only one of the kids that went really wanted to be there once we got to the concert. We were all excited to hear her say her famous saying "Aww Snap!" Ashley & Lindsey's first concert.


I went to see my new favorite artist... Michael Buble' a couple weeks ago. He was incredible. Funny, adorable and so talented. At one point he dropped the microphone and just sang to us. Amazing voice! He told all the guys that came to the concert with their women "I'm just putting the air in the tires boys!" He also dissed us all for bringing our cameras even though the tickets said "no cameras". After that he ran into the audience below us and let them take pictures up close with him. You would have thought he was singing to me, because he sang all my favorites. I got my tickets for free, but spent a wad on a poster, a signed CD and a program! All... on display in my home for all the family members to enjoy (hee hee)